ingredients for dough
1 tablespoon sugar
1 egg
1 cup lard
1 cup sour cream
100 g sugar
fresh yeast as a nut
vanilla (or rum)
3 cups flour
flour (add flour until you get a dough consistency similar to modeling clay and sticky)
50 ml warm milk
zest of one lemon
a pinch of salt
Ingredients for filling
500 g ground walnuts
150 gr sugar
cinnamon (for those who want to put cinnamon is not required)
1/2 jar of jam preferred a bit sour, sweet pumpkins with lemon, cherry of pruneetc etc etc
300 gr powdered sugar
Mix the ingredients for the filling, taste and who else wants to can add sugar
stuffing should be slightly sticky from the jam (if a Gather in hand to remain tied) so we run cornuletele easier than with simple nut,
dissolve yeast in warm milk with sugar and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes,
a roomy bowl put flour with lard and started to rub your hands until crumbly obtain a composition similar to breadcrumbs,
add the remaining ingredients and Maia yeast and knead until no longer sticky hands,
dough and cover the bowl with a towel placed in two, and let stand in a warm place to rise (about 1 hour)
after rising, divide dough into pieces as large as a fist, equal as possible.
of each piece of dough on the bench stretching date with flour and stretch thin sheet cut sheet into equal squares, each square in the middle of filling and put a pin unite two opposites ends square of dough, pressing lightly on it, (if pressured not easily be drawn to baking in the oven)
cornuletele nice to sit in the tray with baking paper tapeteta,
stuffing them in 180grade Celsius hot oven and leave it about 30 minutes over medium heat until nicely browned,
throw them over a pinch of granulated sugar, place them on the shelf and we can enjoy,
I wish you good appetite