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The main advantages of the electric cars

The main advantages of the electric cars

The car, as you know – is not a luxury but a mean of transportation! And this transport, thanks to human genius, is constantly undergoing various metamorphoses. It seems that only yesterday the world understood all the charm of the internal combustion engine, but today we see on the roads around speeding cars, which hold under the hood, power units other than the internal combustion engine.

Among the latest cars, a special place have the electric vehicles (electric cars), which experts forecast total dominance in the near future. Whether their expectations are true or not, we’ll see in the near future, but today, with full confidence we can say that the potential of these cars is very, very big. Last but not least, thanks to the advantages such machines have. As you have probably guessed, this article tells about the merits of electric vehicles.

According to most experts, the main advantage of electric cars is its environmental friendliness. Cars of this type are absolutely harmless to the environment due to the fact that they work exclusively on electric. Therefore, no harmful emissions into the atmosphere they produce.

If we talk about security, the electric cars provide it not only in relation to the environment, but also, very importantly, toward the passengers. Thus, the electric vehicles, during exploitation are very fire and explosion resistant. This means that in case of an emergency (accident or breakdown), the health and life of the driver and his passengers will be subjected to much less risk!

Also from the indisputable advantages of the electric cars should be mentioned their ease of use, in particular, filling the tank. Let’s agree - many of us in our driver practice complained of the so old-fashion empty tank situation of our "iron horse". Remember how we had to change our plans and go to a gas station? In the case of electric vehicles, such problems can be avoided. The fact is that many models are calculated for home charging from an ordinary electrical outlet. For example, in the evening, you drove the car in the garage, plugged it into an outlet and went to rest, and, in the morning, sitting behind the wheel of your car, you can safely go on the road, with no thoughts related to an empty tank.

Another advantage of the electric vehicle is considered the simplicity of its design. Many of the car systems, which are so usual for the traditional cars, are not found in the electric cars. For example, gearbox, fuel system, clutch, etc. The absence in electric vehicles of defining systems for cars with conventional internal combustion engines, acts as one of the main advantages. A simplified design in this case - ensures the reliability and durability of the electric operation. There is practically nothing to break!

An inextricable link with the simple design of the electric car has also its economy. It is a fact that the maintenance of simple mechanisms is always cheaper than the "financial care" for their more sophisticated counterparts. This statement is absolutely true in the case of electric vehicles. Investing a certain amount of money in the purchase of an electric car, the owner will have much less to spend on its maintenance in the future, compared with the cost of a nowadays car with engine. Let’s take into consideration the charging from the home network. We are convinced that no one would argue with the fact that it is much more advantageous (from the financial point of view), rather than buying the rising in price petrol.

These, in our opinion, are the main advantages of the electric vehicles. However, it would be unfair to ignore his shortcomings, which it will be continued in our next article.